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June 19, 2022

Algolia integration

Soham Parekh's avatar

A lot of CommandBar customers use us in conjunction with a backend search vendor.

For Algolia customers, we've added a simple way to connect CommandBar to Algolia, so users can search for data in an Algolia index through CommandBar. You can find the integration in the Dashboard.

In essence, our Algolia integration:

  • Validates that your Algolia API key has the correct settings to be used with CommandBar (has ACL enabled for search, browse, and listIndexes)
  • Creates a record for the different data types stored in your Algolia index
  • Produces a code snippet that can be pasted into your app to finish the process

Once the snippet is added, users will be able to query your index through CommandBar. Record settings can be edited through the Editor, as with any other records.