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February 26, 2024

Introducing: RudderStack integration 💜

Wes Feller's avatar

We're super pumped to announce our integration with Rudderstack today.

We're sure you already know about them, but as a refresher, RudderStack is a Customer Data Platform that lives on top of your data warehouse. In short, RudderStack takes data from where it is collected (like your website or app) and delivers it to all the different tools you use, translating it into a language they can understand. Starting today, CommandBar is one of those tools.

What does this mean for you, a RudderStack customer?

It means you can now configure your settings to set up CommandBar as a destination in RudderStack.

Our friends at RudderStack wrote up a very helpful doc on how you can quickly do this.

Check it out here.

What does this mean for you, a CommandBar customer?

It means you can do more of what we love to preach: target, target, target.

Once you've enabled the integration (as shown below), you can start using client-side events data to make your nudges meet the right users, at the right time.

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There are many ways this could look like (depending on what data you collect and from where), but here's an example of a use case:

User clicks a button for a specific feature in the app, triggering an event -> Event is sent to RudderStack and CommandBar at the same time -> CommandBar triggers an experience immediately to let the user know about new functionality of that feature.