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September 11, 2021

New argument editor

Vinay Ayyala's avatar


Managing arguments should be extremely easy. Unfortunately, we noticed a few pain points with our old design.

  • Unintuitive field names: Users have been confused by how fields should be used.
  • Multiple arguments: Jumping from one argument to another was challenging, since the modal covered the entire Editor.
  • Hidden section: Some users did not even know it was possible to add arguments to commands since the section was collapsed by default.


We redesigned the argument editor to address the issues above and more. There are a few changes worth highlighting.

  • Reorganized field names: New field names, descriptions, and tooltips make argument fields easier to understand.
  • Improved UI: The argument modal no longer covers the entire Editor, so you can see the command you are editing. Argument details are collapsable and expandable, which allows you to quickly view, edit, and re-arrange multiple arguments.
  • Easy add: First, the argument section is no longer collapsable. Second, the "Add another step" button on the bottom is persistent, so you can add another argument at any point with one click.